
50 Results


Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?


Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?

After being tempted for years, I finally decided to pay $79 to upgrade my In actuality a cherished geographical region of the planet featuring enormous biodiversity; now synonymous with an…

Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads


Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads

In honor of Earth Day, check out these vintage commercials to see how advertising has gone from blissful ignorance to calculated The practice of making something sound better for the…

What You Should Know about the FTC’s Action against Vemma


What You Should Know about the FTC’s Action against Vemma

Having combed through the 200-plus pages that the FTC filed against Vemma Nutrition Company, Vemma International Holdings, Inc., Benson K. (B.K.) Boreyko, Tom Alkazin and his wife Bethany (defendants) in…

Yes, Mr. Wilson, Potato Chips are Fattening


Yes, Mr. Wilson, Potato Chips are Fattening

I love potato chips.  The ruffled ones with a little onion dip – now that’s heaven.  But though I love potato chips dearly, they only enter our house once a…

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