
116 Results


Aloe Veritas

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Aloe Veritas

MLM becomes the first to have its ad claims referred to the FTC by direct selling self-regulatory program.

Cali Botanicals

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Cali Botanicals

FDA warns that kratom supplements may do more harm than good in combating opioid addiction and withdrawal.

The Fox Tan

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The Fox Tan

Is it really possible to increase melanin production by slathering lotion on your skin?

Crio Bru

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Crio Bru

Brewed cacao beverage poses more questions than it answers.

Acure Organics

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Acure Organics

Don’t let the URL fool you; the vast majority of these personal care products are not certified organic.

Apollo Mental Clarity

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Apollo Mental Clarity

What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.


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Claims to prevent wine-induced headaches and hangovers lack scientific evidence.


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Sports drink company’s Haterade-fueled ad claims head to FTC for further review.

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