Simple Green Cleaning Products Class Action Simple Green Cleaning Products Allegations: Falsely advertising Simple Green cleaning products as “Non-Toxic”
RxSugar Class Action RxSugar Allegations: Falsely advertising the nutrient content and health benefits of products
Plycem/Allura Cedar Siding Class Action Plycem/Allura Cedar Siding Allegations: Falsely advertising fiber cement siding
Sandisk USB Flash Drives Class Action Sandisk USB Flash Drives January 2020: The amended complaint was dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled.. To read the decision, click here. June 2019: Plaintiffs filed an amended…
Closet World and Home Organizers Class Action Closet World and Home Organizers Allegations: Falsely advertising discounts
Guns of Glory: Lost Island Class Action Guns of Glory: Lost Island Allegations: Falsely advertising that prices are discounted and the availability of certain packs is limited
PurelyWhite Deluxe Tooth Whitening Kits Class Action PurelyWhite Deluxe Tooth Whitening Kits Allegations: Misleadingly placing the FDA logo on product labels and falsely advertising discounts
Method Household Cleaning Products Class Action Method Household Cleaning Products Allegations: Misleadingly advertising Method household cleaners as “non-toxic”
Godiva Chocolate Class Action Godiva Chocolate Allegations: Falsely advertising that chocolates are made in Belgium when they are made in Pennsylvania
Discounts at Ross Stores Class Action Discounts at Ross Stores August 2019: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement agreement. December 2018: A federal judge preliminarily approved the proposed settlement agreement. A final fairness hearing is scheduled for…
Compostable Plates and Bowls from Amazon Class Action Compostable Plates and Bowls from Amazon Allegations: Misleadingly advertising disposable plates and bowls as compostable
No-Hide Dog Chews Class Action No-Hide Dog Chews Allegations: Misleadingly advertising that No-Hide dog chews do not have any rawhide in them when they do
P.F. Chang’s Class Action P.F. Chang’s Allegations: Misleadingly advertising that items on its menu contain “Krab Mix” when they don’t contain any crab meat
Discounts at Aéropostale Class Action Discounts at Aéropostale Allegations: Falsely advertising discounts
Sales on Nectar Products Class Action Sales on Nectar Products Allegations: Falsely advertising sales
Move Free Glucosamine Supplements Class Action Move Free Glucosamine Supplements Allegations: Falsely advertising that Move Free provides joint health benefits when the ingredients in the supplement do not provide such benefits
Yesterday Class Action Yesterday Allegations: Falsely advertising that an actress and song are in the movie “Yesterday” when they’re not