
21 Results


What’s Magic about this Ingredient in Energy Drinks?


What’s Magic about this Ingredient in Energy Drinks?

Your browser does not support the video tag. Shocking news flash: the “energy” from energy drinks comes from caffeine, and not the other fluffy ingredients, such as the “B vitamins…

Weekly Legal Roundup


Weekly Legal Roundup

During the week of February 4, 2013, digestion, food, and make-up bubbled to the top of the legal I-think-you’re-lying-to-me landscape. Three new false advertising class actions were filed: Maybelline was…’s Year In Review 2014

Blog’s Year In Review 2014

With help from our readers,’s second full year of operation was a definite success – helping to empower consumers against false and deceptive ads. Here’s a rundown of what…

Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads


Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads

In honor of Earth Day, check out these vintage commercials to see how advertising has gone from blissful ignorance to calculated The practice of making something sound better for the…

Weekly Legal Roundup


Weekly Legal Roundup

Diamonds, energy supplements and cholesterol reducing drugs made legal headlines in the I-think-you’re-lying-to-me category during the week of February 11, 2013. Two new false advertising actions were filed: It’s a…

Kevin Trudeau – one heck of a salesman or one heck of a liar?


Kevin Trudeau – one heck of a salesman or one heck of a liar?

Self-described “consumer advocate” and “exposer of corporate and government corruption,” this convicted felon lost the latest round in his decade long battle with the FTC.  On November 29, 2011, the…

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