So Much Wrong with This E-Cig Site Ad Alert So Much Wrong with This E-Cig Site We recommend finding an alternative to AlternaCigs.
O2PUR Free E-Cigarette Starter Kit Ad Alert O2PUR Free E-Cigarette Starter Kit Déjà vu? files complaint with Utah Attornery General regarding “free” and other claims.
Regal E-Cigs Ad Alert Regal E-Cigs The more things change, the more misleading e-cigarette advertising stays the same.
NoFlame E-Cigs Blows Smoke about Terms Ad Alert NoFlame E-Cigs Blows Smoke about Terms How automatic enrollment into the e-cigarette’s continuity program is slipped under the radar.
Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit Ad Alert Vapex E-Cigarette Freestarter Kit If e-cigarettes are your thing (and we’re not saying they should be), there are many options out there. Maybe this isn’t the best one.