Neuriva’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Ingredients Claims Ad Alert Neuriva’s ‘Clinically Proven’ Ingredients Claims Memory supplement’s “clinically proven” ingredients claims fall apart upon closer inspection of supporting ingredient studies.
Lumosity Ad Alert Lumosity Lumosity will pay $2 million back to customers to settle federal charges it deceived consumers with unfounded claims that its brain games could help improve mental performance.
Apollo Mental Clarity Ad Alert Apollo Mental Clarity What’s not so clear? How this “smart pill” works and won’t just end up maxing out your credit card.
IQ+ Ad Alert IQ+ Your IQ may not increase using this brain supplement but your credit card balance might.
Bulletproof Coffee Ad Alert Bulletproof Coffee If you take your coffee with a stick of butter, be wary of miracle health claims.
Mouthguards and Concussion Protection: Where’s the Science? Ad Alert Mouthguards and Concussion Protection: Where’s the Science? FTC warns mouthguard retailers to review concussion protection claims made online.
Amare Global Happy Juice Ad Alert Amare Global Happy Juice MLM’s advertising claims are in need of a gut check.
Cognivex Clarity Ad Alert Cognivex Clarity The most vexing thing of all? The brain supplement admits there are no studies to back up its claims.
Focused Mind Jr. Ad Alert Focused Mind Jr. Where’s the clinical proof for these “clinically proven” claims?
Why You Should Think again about Cellusyn Neuro-HD Ad Alert Why You Should Think again about Cellusyn Neuro-HD Have your doubts about this brain supplement, based on a disclaimer on a webpage where it’s sold.
Fifth Quarter Fresh Ad Alert Fifth Quarter Fresh Can a specially formulated chocolate milk really “protect the brain”?
Quietum Plus Ad Alert Quietum Plus finds several issues with marketing of purported tinnitus supplement.