
1506 Results


All Star Driver Education

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All Star Driver Education

Driving school advertises access to online course materials as available 24/7. But it’s actually more like 20/7.

Dr. Axe

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Dr. Axe

A “regular guest expert” on “Dr. Oz,” Dr. Axe’s health advice should also be taken with a grain of salt.

Winter Tonic Plus

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Winter Tonic Plus

The seasons change but the FDA’s position on unapproved drug treatment claims does not.

Thursday Boot Co.

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Thursday Boot Co.

Company claims its boots are “Handcrafted in the USA” but not all of them are.

Sea & Ski

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Sea & Ski

Sunscreen’s return to the market hits a snag as ad claims are referred to regulators.


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What’s more American than agriculture? In this case, outsourced materials.


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Despite claims to offer “upfront pricing,” company does not provide consumers with removal estimates in its ads or on its website.

What Wood You Do?

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What Wood You Do?

If you prefer real wood over the manmade stuff, it’s important that you know how to tell the difference.


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Brochure for medical device targeted military members with illegal claims to treat PTSD, among other diseases.

Transitions Lenses

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Transitions Lenses

Transitions lenses are marketed as changing tint in a flash— leaving consumers in the dark about how long it actually takes.

Bitclub Network

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Bitclub Network

Thinking about joining a bitcoin mining pool? Don’t pack up the covered wagon just yet — it may not be legal where you live.

Nerve Pain Away

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Nerve Pain Away

Homeopathic spray becomes the first to adopt disclosure admitting lack of scientific evidence.

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