
54 Results


Acure Organics

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Acure Organics

Don’t let the URL fool you; the vast majority of these personal care products are not certified organic.


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We’re calling B.S. on RXBar’s “No B.S.” claims.


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Claims to prevent wine-induced headaches and hangovers lack scientific evidence.

Flat Belly Overnight

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Flat Belly Overnight

Reader alerts to email touting miracle health claims for dietary and exercise program.

True Costs of Food Lovers Fat Loss System

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True Costs of Food Lovers Fat Loss System

This  television ad for the Food Lovers Fat Loss System is filled with misleading statements and atypical weight loss results. It emphasizes the delicious foods you can continue to eat…

Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash

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Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash

Listerine Total Care Anticavity Mouthwash claims that it “restores enamel.” It is not possible to truly rebuild or restore tooth enamel, which, once lost, is lost forever. While it is not possible…

250m Americans Infected – The American Parasite

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250m Americans Infected – The American Parasite

Your browser does not support the video tag. Here’s a new batch of web ads warning you about something called “the American Parasite.” What are these ads all about? And…

Do Snickers Really Satisfy?

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Do Snickers Really Satisfy?

From the “well, duh” department: Snickers, a candy bar, advertises itself as a snack that satisfies hunger in a series of ads that claim “you’re not you when you’re hungry.”…

Crest ProHealth Anticavity Fluoride Rinse

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Crest ProHealth Anticavity Fluoride Rinse

Crest ProHealth Anticavity Fluoride Rinse claims that it “rebuilds enamel.” It is not possible to truly rebuild or restore tooth enamel, which, once lost, is lost forever. While it is not possible…

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