What Mobile Carriers Are Really Saying in Their Ads Consumer News What Mobile Carriers Are Really Saying in Their Ads Digging into the fine print and details behind four recent ads.
T-Mobile’s ‘No Contract’ Claims False, Groups Allege Consumer News T-Mobile’s ‘No Contract’ Claims False, Groups Allege Consumer groups call on federal agency to investigate marketing.
The Fine Print in T-Mobile’s Alleged Overbilling Scam Consumer News The Fine Print in T-Mobile’s Alleged Overbilling Scam How the fine print factors into the FTC’s multimillion-dollar complaint against the mobile carrier.
AG Tells T-Mobile to Hang Up No Contract Claims Consumer News AG Tells T-Mobile to Hang Up No Contract Claims T-Mobile got slapped by the Washington State Attorney General for allegedly failing to disclose hidden early termination charges.
T-Mobile to Refund Customers $90M Consumer News T-Mobile to Refund Customers $90M Proposed agreement with the FTC would settle cramming allegations.
FTC Issues New Set of Recommendations to Prevent Cramming Consumer News FTC Issues New Set of Recommendations to Prevent Cramming Agency notes one participant in discussions called mobile cramming the “perfect scam.”
Best Buy Attempts to Make Good Following Mobile Site Snafu Consumer News Best Buy Attempts to Make Good Following Mobile Site Snafu Free tablet promotion caused consumer confusion by not adequately disclosing terms.
Is Your Cellphone Spying on You? Consumer News Is Your Cellphone Spying on You? The mobile phone world was rocked in November 2011 when a systems administrator from Connecticut posted a 17-minute video on YouTube showcasing how a hidden program installed on millions of…
Sprint’s ‘New’ Network Just Got Old Consumer News Sprint’s ‘New’ Network Just Got Old Self-regulatory group tells Sprint to drop advertising claims following T-Mobile complaint.
Nomi Settles FTC Charges It Misled Consumers on Mobile Tracking Consumer News Nomi Settles FTC Charges It Misled Consumers on Mobile Tracking Despite promises to the contrary, shoppers could not opt out of the tracking service.
FTC Pursues First Cell Cramming Case Consumer News FTC Pursues First Cell Cramming Case The FTC filed its first complaint against a company for “mobile phone cramming.”
Verizon, Sprint to Give $120M Back to ‘Crammed’ Consumers Consumer News Verizon, Sprint to Give $120M Back to ‘Crammed’ Consumers All told, that’s $290M going back to wireless consumers who federal regulators said were unfairly charged.
Smarten up about Cell Phone Fraud Consumer News Smarten up about Cell Phone Fraud There are now over 6 billion cell phones in use around the world. Just like everyone else, the con artists and fraudsters are also leveraging the rise of cell phone…
Check Your Six: Deceptive Ads That Target Military Members Consumer News Check Your Six: Deceptive Ads That Target Military Members TINA.org observes Military Consumer Month the only way we know how – by sharing deceptive ads.
CFPB Sues Sprint Over Phone ‘Cramming’ Consumer News CFPB Sues Sprint Over Phone ‘Cramming’ Wireless carrier joins AT&T and T-Mobile as companies accused of cramming this year.
Before You Be Snapping and Chatting, Remember This Consumer News Before You Be Snapping and Chatting, Remember This Popular app reaches agreement with FTC to make privacy changes.
Google to Refund Millions to Parents Consumer News Google to Refund Millions to Parents Internet giant to refund parents for charges their children ran up playing mobile apps.
TracFone Failed Promise to Offer Unlimited Data Costs them $40 Million Consumer News TracFone Failed Promise to Offer Unlimited Data Costs them $40 Million Nation’s largest prepaid mobile provider settles charges it throttled customers.
Forever Living’s Neverending Deceptive Income Claims Consumer News Forever Living’s Neverending Deceptive Income Claims The MLM has been making deceptive earnings claims for the past decade.