
172 Results


U.S. Department of Education

Consumer Basics

U.S. Department of Education

The U.S. Department of Education (ED), which was created in 1980, is divided into several different offices.  One of its offices, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), is charged with…

Education and Career Center

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Education and Career Center

This spam email we got is fishy. First, the strange spacing in the email. Second, the address on the bottom doesn’t look to be real. We don’t think anyone ever…

All Star Driver Education

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All Star Driver Education

Driving school advertises access to online course materials as available 24/7. But it’s actually more like 20/7.

Illuminate Education

Class Action

Illuminate Education

Allegations: Misleadingly representing that it would protect and safeguard students’ personal data when it failed to adequately do so and there was a data breach

Sunfield High School

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Sunfield High School

Sunfield High School, an online high school, offers to test you and send you a high school diploma for $249. But it’s a scam. Sunfield High School claims to be…

Stone Academy

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Stone Academy

Reader says for-profit college misled her on the type of job she could get with a degree from the school.

Elite Singles

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Elite Singles

Just how elite — and “highly educated” — are the singles on this dating site?

Penn Foster College

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Penn Foster College

For-profit college reaches settlement with Oregon Department of Justice over accreditation claims.

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