
82 Results


BlackOxygen Organics

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BlackOxygen Organics

Spoiler alert: MLM’s products have not been proven to alleviate the symptoms of long-haul COVID.


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Acne ads targeting teens come under scrutiny.

Emu Product Claims Questioned by FDA

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Emu Product Claims Questioned by FDA

Emu Products and Management, Inc. claimed on its website that its products could treat health problems including acne, arthritis, and high cholesterol. According to a warning letter from the FDA,…

Saffron USA

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Saffron USA

Unauthorized health claims come down in wake of FDA warning letter.


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That is one tough-looking toddler, but the ASA bans ad that claims eating meat increases risk of cancer.


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A misleading income disclosure statement is just the tip of the iceberg with this supplement MLM.

JÙS By Julie

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JÙS By Julie

FDA puts the squeeze on juice company’s claims to treat serious diseases.

VitaMist Spray Vitamins

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VitaMist Spray Vitamins

Vitamins you can spray into your mouth instead of swallowing? What could possibly be fishy about that? Lots, apparently. The FDA sent a warning letter in December to Mayor Laboratories,…

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