
217 Results



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Consumers looking to increase their wealth may need to look elsewhere.

Coronavirus Scammers

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Coronavirus Scammers

Tranont distributor touts MLM’s nutritional supplements as a prevention for the coronavirus.

Earache Medicines

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Earache Medicines

The FDA sent warning letters to four earache medication makers demanding that the companies stop marketing their products, which the FDA has determined to be prescription drugs, as over-the-counter medicine.…

Every Single Auto Insurance Ad

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Every Single Auto Insurance Ad

Want to save money on your auto insurance? Just switch to our company and save about $500, says every single auto insurance company: How is it possible for every single…

Pure Green Coffee

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Pure Green Coffee

UPDATE 11/15/16: A U.S. district court judge has ordered that Pure Green Coffee pitchman Nicholas Congleton pay $30 million after the FTC alleged that Congleton deceived consumers using false weight-loss claims.…

Olga Shoe

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Olga Shoe

When the photos on the website don’t match the reality.

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