
355 Results


Physician Naturals

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Physician Naturals

A reader passed along a link to a site she thought was suspicious, The website has a variety of supplements that claim all sorts of health benefits. According…


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According to a warning letter from the FDA, the Danish company, SmartPractice, promoted an allergic contact dermatitis test kit called T.R.U.E. Test® without adequate potential risk information, including that the product…

Dr. Sherrill Sellman

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Dr. Sherrill Sellman

How a naturopathic doctor doubled down on her deceptive COVID-19 claims and attracted the attention of federal regulators.

Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls

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Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls

“You don’t need to detox … anything at all,” says an OB/GYN commenting on company’s outlandish claims.

The Fox Tan

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The Fox Tan

Is it really possible to increase melanin production by slathering lotion on your skin?


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How Amazon steers consumers toward unproven and potentially dangerous products containing a fake vitamin called B17.

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