Methylsynephrine (Oxilofrine) Supplements Ad Alert Methylsynephrine (Oxilofrine) Supplements FDA warning letters take aim at banned stimulant.
Empire Distributors, Rhino Black 5K Plus Ad Alert Empire Distributors, Rhino Black 5K Plus Hidden ingredients in male sexual enhancement supplement poses health risks, FDA warns.
That’s Natural Ad Alert That’s Natural FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.
Skull Smash Ad Alert Skull Smash FDA sniffs out unapproved claims company’s smelling salts increase alertness, focus, and more.
PurelyWhite Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit Ad Alert PurelyWhite Deluxe Teeth Whitening Kit Shining a bright light on this company’s marketing claims.
Natural Alchemist Ad Alert Natural Alchemist FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.
PureKana CBD Gummies Ad Alert PureKana CBD Gummies A fake celebrity endorsement by Sir Paul McCartney is just the beginning.
Green Roads Health Ad Alert Green Roads Health FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.
Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil Products Ad Alert Charlotte’s Web Hemp Oil Products FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.
SeraRelief CBD products Ad Alert SeraRelief CBD products Be wary of “free trials” for CBD gummies and oils advertised on the internet.
Kratom NC Ad Alert Kratom NC FDA continues crackdown on kratom sellers marketing products with unproven health claims.
Dietary Supplements Containing Picamilon Ad Alert Dietary Supplements Containing Picamilon FDA warns supplement makers that ingredient lacks its required approval.
Peak Height Ad Alert Peak Height Want to grow taller? You might want to think twice before you try this one on for size.
Discover CBD Ad Alert Discover CBD Unapproved drug treatment claims remain in wake of FDA warning letter.
Smartwatches, Smart Rings Marketed to Measure Blood Sugar Ad Alert Smartwatches, Smart Rings Marketed to Measure Blood Sugar FDA warns consumers that devices cannot be trusted to give accurate blood sugar measurements.
Hard Steel Male Enhancement Supplement Ad Alert Hard Steel Male Enhancement Supplement Be wary of this supplement’s FDA claims.
Basic Reset Ad Alert Basic Reset This MLM company might need to reset how it markets its miracle supplements.