
345 Results


Green Roads Health

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Green Roads Health

FDA reminds marijuana marketers that outing unproven treatment claims remains high on its list.


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FDA alerts supplement marketer to a laundry list of violations.


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Brain supplement faces lawsuit over improved brain function claims.

Discover CBD

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Discover CBD

Unapproved drug treatment claims remain in wake of FDA warning letter.

LASIK Providers Unclear on Risks

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LASIK Providers Unclear on Risks

The FDA sent warning letters to four LASIK providers for promoting the procedure on their websites without adequate warning about the risks involved.

Graviola Extract

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Graviola Extract

The FDA sent a warning letter to Graviola Group in April 2014 for selling its Graviola Extract without FDA approval in violation of the FDA regulations. According to the FDA’s…

Mundo Natural Products

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Mundo Natural Products

FDA has sent a warning letter to Mundo Natural Inc. for selling several of its products in violation of FDA regulations. According to the FDA’s letter sent in April, the…

Castle Cheese, Inc.

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Castle Cheese, Inc.

Company president facing charges alleging Parmesan and Romano cheese products were falsely labeled.

Pineapple Snakaroons

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Pineapple Snakaroons

FDA goes after another purported “healthy” snack for packing too much saturated fat.

Winter Tonic Plus

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Winter Tonic Plus

The seasons change but the FDA’s position on unapproved drug treatment claims does not.


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FDA warning letter sparks changes to company’s marketing of CBD products.


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Vivoo digs into wellness app’s claims to track immunity, among other things, via urinalysis.

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