
245 Results

newest’s Year In Review 2014

Blog’s Year In Review 2014

With help from our readers,’s second full year of operation was a definite success – helping to empower consumers against false and deceptive ads. Here’s a rundown of what…

Vemma Involved in Silencing One of Its Harshest Critics


Vemma Involved in Silencing One of Its Harshest Critics

YPR Pariah, a former Vemma affiliate turned anti-Vemma blogger, who wrote under the pseudonym The Revanchist, had a clear message to share on his popular blog site – he didn’t…

Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads


Six Vintage Eco-Clueless Ads

In honor of Earth Day, check out these vintage commercials to see how advertising has gone from blissful ignorance to calculated The practice of making something sound better for the…

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