The Importance of Being a Complainer
You have the power to hold deceptive marketers accountable.
Opinions on a variety of deceptive marketing topics.
You have the power to hold deceptive marketers accountable.
Presentation given by Executive Director to congressional staff for National Consumer Protection Week 2016.
What we did this year at
The court left little doubt about this company’s business operations.
Not a lot of people are making much money.
Readers have told us to look into these MLMs.
A Vemma settlement with the FTC will likely take this form.
Vemma unlikely to pursue long-drawn out court battle.
Having combed through the 200-plus pages that the FTC filed against Vemma Nutrition Company, Vemma International Holdings, Inc., Benson K. (B.K.) Boreyko, Tom Alkazin and his wife Bethany (defendants) in…
Vemma leader’s defection to another MLM may not be the end of the story.
Deconstructing Herbalife’s defense that a survey found most people join for discounts.