
11 Results


Uber’s “Safe Rides Fee”

Class Action

Uber’s “Safe Rides Fee”

August 2019: The Court granted final approval. August 2017: A federal judge preliminarily approved the amended settlement agreement. June 2017: Plaintiffs moved for preliminary approval of an amended settlement agreement,…

Uber’s “Safe Ride” Message to Women

Class Action

Uber’s “Safe Ride” Message to Women

In November 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Uber for, among other things, allegedly targeting women in its ads and promising a “safe ride” when the number of reported…

Uber’s Rates and Credits

Class Action

Uber’s Rates and Credits

In July 2015, a false advertising class-action lawsuit was filed against Uber. Specifically, the complaint alleges that Uber advertises its prices are 30% cheaper than cabs for specific routes when…

Uber Gratuities

Class Action

Uber Gratuities

February 2017: A federal judge granted final approval of a settlement agreement that resolves this lawsuit. According to the settlement terms, class members will be refunded the amount of the…

Uber’s Safe Rides Representations

Class Action

Uber’s Safe Rides Representations

In January 2016, the parties to a false advertising class-action lawsuit filed against Uber agreed to dismiss the case after reaching a settlement agreement, the terms of which are confidential.…

The Cost of Uber Rides

Class Action

The Cost of Uber Rides

In May 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Uber for allegedly misleading consumers by showing consumers the “actual fare” of a ride before they book the ride and then…

Uber’s Upfront Pricing

Class Action

Uber’s Upfront Pricing

Allegations: Routinely charging riders more than the cost quoted to them before purchase in the app’s Upfront Pricing feature

Overdraft Fees at Bank of the West

Class Action

Overdraft Fees at Bank of the West

February 2019: A state court judge granted final approval of a settlement agreement that provides class members with cash payments or account credits. According to the terms, the $222,000 settlement…

TD Bank’s Debit Card Transactions

Class Action

TD Bank’s Debit Card Transactions

January 2020: A federal judge granted final approval of a settlement agreement that would provide class members with monetary compensation. In addition, the bank agreed to forgive or reduce the…

TD Bank’s Debit Card Transactions

Class Action

TD Bank’s Debit Card Transactions

In December 2017, a class-action lawsuit was filed against TD Bank for allegedly misleadingly promising customers who do not opt into its Debit Card Advance program that the bank will…