Stonyfield Wild Berry Smoothie Ad Alert Stonyfield Wild Berry Smoothie The really wild part? Not all the berries depicted on packaging appear to make it into the product.
Study Calls on FDA to Act on Stimulant Found in Weight-Loss Products Consumer News Study Calls on FDA to Act on Stimulant Found in Weight-Loss Products Amphetamine-like ingredient found in Acacia rigidula dietary supplements could trigger harmful reactions.
Six Deceptive Ads Targeting Seniors Consumer News Six Deceptive Ads Targeting Seniors The new tricks targeting old dogs.
Strawberry Balance Ad Alert Strawberry Balance The FDA is advising consumers to avoid “Strawberry Balance,” a product sold for weight-loss that was found to contain hidden drug ingredients. According to the FDA, FDA laboratory analysis confirmed…
Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws Class Action Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws April 2018: A federal judge dismissed this case When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled. finding that the challenged statements and…
Top Store-Brand Herbal Supplements Missing the Herb Consumer News Top Store-Brand Herbal Supplements Missing the Herb State officials demand Walmart, Target, Walgreens and GNC stop selling the supplements.