
18 Results


What’s Magic about this Ingredient in Energy Drinks?


What’s Magic about this Ingredient in Energy Drinks?

Your browser does not support the video tag. Shocking news flash: the “energy” from energy drinks comes from caffeine, and not the other fluffy ingredients, such as the “B vitamins…

Popeye Says Eat Your Spinach


Popeye Says Eat Your Spinach

Something amazing happened at our dinner table.  My daughter got into a fight with her brother (that’s not the amazing part) about who could eat the last of the –…

Week in Review


Week in Review

Oil, heating pads, rugs, razors, and drinks – no, this isn’t about preparing for a romantic interlude, but rather the products featured in the I-think-you’re-lying-to-me category during the week of…

Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?


Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?

After being tempted for years, I finally decided to pay $79 to upgrade my In actuality a cherished geographical region of the planet featuring enormous biodiversity; now synonymous with an…