
206 Results


Vizzy Hard Seltzer

Class Action

Vizzy Hard Seltzer

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that alcohol products contain “Vitamin C Antioxidant from Acerola Superfruit” when the products contain a small amount of vitamin C that does not provide health benefits and…

Lakanto Products

Class Action

Lakanto Products

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing products as sweetened with monk fruit when the predominant sweetener in them is a highly processed sugar alcohol called erythritol

Tribucha Kombucha

Class Action

Tribucha Kombucha

Allegations: Falsely marketing beverages as non-alcoholic when they contain more alcohol than is allowed for non-alcoholic beverages

Feel Free Wellness Tonic

Class Action

Feel Free Wellness Tonic

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing the product as a safe, sober, and healthy alternative to alcohol when its primary ingredient is an opioid and is addictive, and the drink causes many side…

Crook & Marker Margarita

Class Action

Crook & Marker Margarita

Allegations: Falsely marketing products as margaritas made with tequila when they contain “organic brewed alcohol” instead of tequila

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