
89 Results


Reiki Energy Healing

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Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is an “energy healing” method based on the idea that the body is surrounded by an energy field that cannot be measured by traditional scientific methods. This energy field…

Microban 24

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Microban 24

Sanitizing spray does not provide 24-hour protection against viruses, despite what its TV commercial may make you think.

Crio Bru

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Crio Bru

Brewed cacao beverage poses more questions than it answers.

eMug by

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eMug by

Sometimes only one or two claims about a product seem suspicious. And then sometimes every single claim seems suspicious. The claims makes about its eMug — only $84.50! —…

Greens and Whole Foods Supplements

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Greens and Whole Foods Supplements has published results of its quality tests of greens and whole foods powders and pills. Supplements marketed with these terms typically contain chlorophyll-containing leaves, sprouts, algae, vegetables and fruits, herbs,…

BPI Sports

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BPI Sports

BPI Sports, a supplement company, discontinued some of its advertising claims after the claims were challenged by the Council for Responsible Nutrition. The National Advertising Division (NAD) is the advertising…


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Company to issue refunds to consumers under settlement with FTC.

Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls

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Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls

“You don’t need to detox … anything at all,” says an OB/GYN commenting on company’s outlandish claims.

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