JUUL E-cigarettes Sold at 7-Eleven
Allegations: Falsely marketing JUUL e-cigarettes
In August 2019, two false advertising class-action lawsuits were filed against JUUL Labs, Altria Group, and Philip Morris USA. Among other things, plaintiffs claim that the companies:
Click on the case information below to read the complaints and learn more about all of the allegations in them.
Allegations: Falsely marketing JUUL e-cigarettes
In August 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against JUUL Labs for allegedly deceptively marketing e-cigarette products to minors. (Murphy et al v. JUUL Labs, Inc., Case No. 19-cv-11755, D.…
May 2019: The case was transferred from a court in Florida to one in California. (Case No. 18-cv-25005, N. D. CA.) November 2018: A class-action lawsuit was filed against JUUL…
In November 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against JUUL Labs for allegedly deceptively marketing its e-cigarettes and pods as safe when, according to the complaint, the products have more…
November 2018: This case was transferred to a California court. (Case No. 18-cv-6776, N. D. CA.) October 2018: A class-action lawsuit was filed against JUUL Labs for, among other things,…
In August 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against JUUL Labs and PAX Labs for allegedly deceptively marketing JUUL e-cigarettes and pods as a safer alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes…
The disposable e-cigarette has replaced Juul as the go-to vape for minors.
TINA.org agrees with health groups that Juul’s current campaign disseminates an illegal smoking cessation claim.
FDA zeros in on e-cigarette company’s marketing of flavors and their appeal to youth in an effort to curb underage use.