Balance of Nature
TINA.org investigated Balance of Nature, Inc., a Utah-based dietary supplement company founded by Dr. Douglas Howard, and found that the company and its founder deceptively claimed that taking Balance of…
Spivey et al. v. Evig LLC d/b/a Balance of Nature et al.
24-cv-781, N.D. Ill.
(Jan. 2024)
Balance of Nature Fruits and Vegetables dietary supplements
Falsely marketing that products provide consumers with nutrition to supplement their diet and fill in any nutritional gaps in their diets from not consuming daily requirements of fruits and vegetables
Falsely advertising that consumers who take products will feel more energetic and healthier
Illegally marketing that Balance of Nature products treat various illnesses and diseases – including pneumonia, diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and others – without FDA approval
TINA.org investigated Balance of Nature, Inc., a Utah-based dietary supplement company founded by Dr. Douglas Howard, and found that the company and its founder deceptively claimed that taking Balance of…
Allegations: Misrepresenting that its products are “the highest quality whole food supplements available”
Allegations: Misleadingly marketing that supplements treat various health conditions, contain “100% whole fruits and vegetables,” and provide the “[n]utritional equivalent of over 5 servings” of fruits and vegetables
Supplement company stumbles over discount offer.
“The public cannot have confidence that their products are what they purport to be,” says the FDA.
Lawsuit alleged company falsely advertised that its “Fruits” and “Veggies” supplements could prevent, treat or cure serious diseases.
A master list of known and alleged scams.
Company falsely claims its ‘Fruits’ and ‘Veggies’ supplements can prevent and help treat the coronavirus.