Sovereign Brands
DJ Khaled’s Snapchat Sobers Up
The ‘King of Snapchat’ scales back promotion of alcohol following investigation.
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CATrends: Where’s the Booze?
Lawsuits allege some hard truths.
Bumbu Rum
Lawsuit alleges beverage doesn’t meet federal standards to be marketed as rum.’s Social Media Influencers Actions
A review of’s work exposing deceptive marketing tactics by social media influencers.
DJ Khaled’s ‘Breakfast of Champions’?
DJ Khaled’s Snapchat Sobers Up
Groups Challenge Deceptive Influencer Marketing of Alcohol MADISON, CONN. April 9, 2018 – Hip-hop producer and “King of Snapchat” DJ Khaled has scaled back his rampant promotion of alcohol on…