
72 Results


Seriously Siri?


Seriously Siri?

When I watched Samuel L. Jackson talk to Siri in his flirtatious way in the iPhone television commercial and how efficient she  (it?) was in helping him arrange a romantic…

57 Year Old Mom Looks 27!


57 Year Old Mom Looks 27!

I feel like the online version of the New York Times has me pegged.  Or to say it another way, NYTimes’ cookies have tracked my online behavior such that its…

Yes, Mr. Wilson, Potato Chips are Fattening


Yes, Mr. Wilson, Potato Chips are Fattening

I love potato chips.  The ruffled ones with a little onion dip – now that’s heaven.  But though I love potato chips dearly, they only enter our house once a…

A .org Does not a Non-Profit Make


A .org Does not a Non-Profit Make, among other sites, has turned me into what some might call a charity slacktivist.  Over the past year or so, from the comfort of my own couch, I’ve signed…

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