
50 Results


Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?


Where is a Bargain Hunter to Look These Days?

After being tempted for years, I finally decided to pay $79 to upgrade my In actuality a cherished geographical region of the planet featuring enormous biodiversity; now synonymous with an…

Lanham Act Gets A Makeover


Lanham Act Gets A Makeover

It took more than 12 years of litigation between Lexmark International and Static Control Components over toner and toner cartridges for the U.S. Supreme Court to quote these profound words…

Vemma’s Version: Business Foolishness in the Extreme


Vemma’s Version: Business Foolishness in the Extreme

Upon reading the transcript of the Sept. 15 court hearing re Vemma, which conveys the most unusual meanings that Vemma attributes to such common terms as customer, business opportunity, and…

Not Very Presidential, Guys


Not Very Presidential, Guys

Allegations of misleading advertising and questionable products follow four GOP candidates into tonight’s debate.