
7 Results


Kevin Trudeau – one heck of a salesman or one heck of a liar?


Kevin Trudeau – one heck of a salesman or one heck of a liar?

Self-described “consumer advocate” and “exposer of corporate and government corruption,” this convicted felon lost the latest round in his decade long battle with the FTC.  On November 29, 2011, the…

Ghost Orchids and Land Scams: A Review


Ghost Orchids and Land Scams: A Review

The Orchid Thief, by Susan Orlean, leads us through exotic jungles, backyard gardens, and world-famous greenhouses all in search of the rare ghost orchid, Polyrrbiza lindenii.  Notably, this endangered flower…

The Ugly Truth about the Beauty Industry


The Ugly Truth about the Beauty Industry

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder but that doesn’t stop American consumers from spending nearly $8 billion on cosmetics every year. Not included in this figure are…