Machinima Ad Alert Machinima Look for disclosures when reading or watching reviews online. The pitch could be a paid endorsement.
Vulcun Ad Alert Vulcun Live long and you might (emphasis on might) prosper from this gaming site’s deposit bonus.
Maingear Ad Alert Maingear “Significant imported content” means computers can’t be marketed as “Built in the USA.”
No Man’s Sky Ad Alert No Man’s Sky The sky is not the limit for this overhyped game, consumers complain.
iTriage App Ad Alert iTriage App Health care app makes changes to data collection disclosures following self-regulatory review.
Sega’s Sonic Runners App Ad Alert Sega’s Sonic Runners App Self-regulatory body says children’s game ran afoul of a mobile guidance regarding data collection.
PlayStation 4 Not the Only Game in Town Ad Alert PlayStation 4 Not the Only Game in Town Reader says commercial falsely advertises Grand Theft Auto Five as a game exclusive to PS4.
Federal Filing Government Imposter Scam Ad Alert Federal Filing Government Imposter Scam Even the CEO acknowledges that some consumers have confused the company for the federal government.
USA Filing Government Imposter Scam Ad Alert USA Filing Government Imposter Scam Tricking consumers into paying hundreds of dollars for services that are available for free.
Gamer Advantage’s Blue-Light Glasses Ad Alert Gamer Advantage’s Blue-Light Glasses Are these gaming glasses really ‘clinically proven’ to improve sleep?