
97 Results



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British ad regulator frowns upon company’s teeth-whitening claims.


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What consumers should know about this purported homeopathic product.

Phytoceramides Skin Therapy

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Phytoceramides Skin Therapy

What do Ellen DeGeneres, Cindy Crawford, and Jennifer Aniston have in common? Well, according to a spam email we received that links to a website, which looks a lot like…

That Crazy Wrap Thing

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That Crazy Wrap Thing

The Ultimate Body Applicator, also sometimes called by its alter ego, “That Crazy Wrap Thing,” has become quite the rage in the fitness world. You might have seen these being…

Skull Smash

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Skull Smash

FDA sniffs out unapproved claims company’s smelling salts increase alertness, focus, and more.

70 Year Old Grandma Looks 40

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70 Year Old Grandma Looks 40

This ad for Lumanelle Luma skin cream should set off a couple of bad ad warning lights: This picture appears elsewhere on the Internet, the unsourced Dr. Oz quote, and…


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Sneaker company modifies sponsored social media post following inquiry.

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