
Product Category

916 Results


Goof Proof Protection Plan

Class Action

Goof Proof Protection Plan

Allegations: Misleadingly marketing Goof Proof as “the best way to protect your investment from a wide variety of accidents for 5 years” when the furniture store denies claims for many…


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Lomi digs into company’s broad composting claims.

Hefty Recycling Bags

Class Action

Hefty Recycling Bags

Allegations: Falsely advertising products as “recycling” bags that are “designed to handle all types of recyclables” when they are not suitable for recycling and typically end up in landfills or…

Direct Energy Rates

Class Action

Direct Energy Rates

Allegations: Falsely representing that consumers are charged the price of electricity as of the day before it is delivered when the company actually charges rates determined hourly on the day…

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