Class Action

Various GNC Dietary Supplements

Class Action

Various GNC Dietary Supplements

In May 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against GNC for allegedly misleadingly marketing that its dietary supplements – including Men’s Prostate Formula, Diabetic Support, Preventive Nutrition Healthy Blood Pressure Formula, Women’s Ultra Mega Active Supplement, and Mega Men Healthy Testosterone – prevent, cure, and treat various diseases and health conditions without proper FDA approval to make such claims. Plaintiffs also claim that the company violates federal law by failing to adequately present a disclaimer that the FDA has not evaluated the marketing claims and the product is not intended to treat any disease. (Arora et al v. GNC Holdings Inc., Case No. 19-cv-2414, N. D. CA.)

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Class-Action Tracker

GNC’s Glucosamine Sulfate

Class Action

GNC’s Glucosamine Sulfate

In April 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against GNC for allegedly falsely marketing Glucosamine Sulfate. Specifically, plaintiffs claim that the ingredients list shows that the supplement contains d-glucosamine sulfate…

GNC’s Vitamin E Skin Oil

Class Action

GNC’s Vitamin E Skin Oil

In January 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against GNC Holdings for allegedly falsely representing that the primary ingredient in its Vitamin E Skin Oil is vitamin E oil when,…

Sales at GNC

Class Action

Sales at GNC

September 2019: A federal judge granted preliminary approval of the settlement agreement. A final fairness hearing is scheduled for December 19, 2019. August 2019: Plaintiffs moved for preliminary approval of…

GNC’s Aloe Vera Skin Gel

Class Action

GNC’s Aloe Vera Skin Gel

February 2018: This action was voluntarily dismissed after the parties reached a settlement agreement, the terms of which have not been disclosed. March 2017: A class-action lawsuit was filed against…

Health Claims on GNC Dietary Supplements

Class Action

Health Claims on GNC Dietary Supplements

April 2019: This case was transferred from state court to federal court. (Case No. 19-cv-1984, N.D. Cal.) March 2019: A class-action lawsuit was filed against General Nutrition Corp. (GNC) for…

OxyElite Pro

Class Action

OxyElite Pro

2015: The Campos and Mazzeo cases were dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. because both cases (Campos and Mazzeo) were resolved pursuant to the…

GNC’s Gold Card Program

Class Action

GNC’s Gold Card Program

October 2017: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled.. The reasons for the dismissal have not…

Sales Prices at GNC

Class Action

Sales Prices at GNC

September 2017: A federal judge stayed the proceedings in this case pursuant to the parties’ request while they finalize the terms of a settlement agreement. April 2016: A false advertising…

Isopure Zero-Carb and Low-Carb Protein Powder

Class Action

Isopure Zero-Carb and Low-Carb Protein Powder

December 2014: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled., the reasons for which have not been…

GNC L-Glutamine Dietary Supplements

Class Action

GNC L-Glutamine Dietary Supplements

In November 2016, a class-action lawsuit was filed against GNC for allegedly deceptively marketing L-Glutamine Pro Perforamnce® dietary supplements – including L-Glutamine Powder 5000, L-Glutamine 1500, RapidDrive Glutamine 2500 Power…


Class Action


February 2016: A federal judge granted the parties’ request to enter judgment in favor of GNC pursuant to the December 2015 order because the plaintiff did not and does not…

Packaging of Lean Shake Products

Class Action

Packaging of Lean Shake Products

In December 2015, a class-action lawsuit was filed against GNC for allegedly deceptively packaging GNC Lean Shake products — including Total Lean, Total Lean Advanced, and Total Lean Control and…

OxyELITE, Jack3d, and VERSA-1

Class Action

OxyELITE, Jack3d, and VERSA-1

February 2015: A federal judge granted final approval of this settlement. October 2014: A federal judge preliminarily approved a $2,000,000 settlement of a class-action lawsuit against USPlabs and GNC. The…

OxyElite Pro™ Dietary Supplements

Class Action

OxyElite Pro™ Dietary Supplements

December 2014: After the complaint was amended in May 2014, the named plaintiff voluntarily dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, meaning that the complaint cannot be refiled. The reasons for the…

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