New U Life investigated New U Life, Inc., a Utah-based multilevel marketing company that sells and markets supplements and nutraceuticals. The investigation revealed a host of issues, including an emphasis on recruitment over product sales, the marketing of the business opportunity using atypical income claims, and the advertising of products using illegal disease-treatment claims, as well as deceptive claims that products are “FDA registered” and false claims that they are “FDA approved.”

- Contacted company regarding findings
- Filed complaints with FTC and FDA
- Filed supplemental complaints with FTC and FDA regarding deceptive COVID-19 claims
April 8 files a supplemental complaint with the FTC and FDA alerting both agencies to the fact that New U Life distributors are marketing the company’s Somaderm Gel as able to improve the immune system during the coronavirus pandemic and thus able to help treat and/or prevent COVID-19.
March 27
The DSSRC issues a second report stating it is referring New U Life to the FTC and FDA due to its failure to remove deceptive marketing claims from publication.
October 20
The DSSRC issues a report finding that the company used deceptive health claims to market its products and deceptive income claims to market its business opportunity.
September 5 files a complaint with the FTC and the FDA against New U Life highlighting the inappropriate and deceptive marketing of Somaderm Gel, and urging both agencies to investigate the company and take appropriate enforcement action.
August 27 contacts company regarding findings.
August 5
The FTC sends a closing letter to Natural Life Foods Corp. d/b/a Strike First Nutrition, which is owned by New U Life’s CEO concerning Testall Gel. According to the letter, “Testall Gel was marketed to strengthen bone density, prevent or reduce the risk of osteoporosis, balance blood sugar levels, reduce blood pressure, and prevent depression. It was also promoted as the only FDA-registered transdermal testosterone product available without a prescription.” The FTC decided not to recommend enforcement action, in part, because of the amount of sales and the fact that Testall Gel was removed from the market.
January 25
After testing Somaderm Gel, the FDA determines that, contrary to New U Life’s assertions, Somaderm Gel does not actually contain human growth hormone (“hGH”).
January 23
The Electronic Retailing Self-Regulation Program (ERSP) concludes an inquiry into the company finding that it used, among other things, unsubstantiated health claims, and advising that New U Life remove the claims from publication.

What You Should Know about New U Life
MLM company New U Life is no fountain of youth.
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