Starbucks Coconut Milk: A Problematic Perk? Ad Alert Starbucks Coconut Milk: A Problematic Perk? Consumers sour on milk after learning of additives in Starbucks coconut product.
Debunking Drug Claims in Dr. Bronner’s Coconut Oil Ad Alert Debunking Drug Claims in Dr. Bronner’s Coconut Oil When a product doesn’t qualify as a drug, you can’t market it as such.
Naples Soap Company Ad Alert Naples Soap Company From “cruelty free” to “Made in the USA,” finds personal care company’s marketing awash with questionable labels.
Bulletproof Coffee Ad Alert Bulletproof Coffee If you take your coffee with a stick of butter, be wary of miracle health claims.
Ciroc Vodka’s Gluten-Free Claims Ad Alert Ciroc Vodka’s Gluten-Free Claims One thing’s for sure: Ciroc is not the only vodka “out there” that’s gluten free.
JÙS By Julie Ad Alert JÙS By Julie FDA puts the squeeze on juice company’s claims to treat serious diseases.
FDA Tells KIND Bars to Lose ‘Healthy’ Claims Ad Alert FDA Tells KIND Bars to Lose ‘Healthy’ Claims FDA says some KIND bars pack too much saturated fat to be advertised as “healthy” snack.