St. Ives Body Lotions
January 2020: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. for undisclosed reasons. August 2019: A federal judge dismissed some of the…
In October 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Unilever for allegedly falsely advertising that its St. Ives skin and body care products – including lotions and body washes – are “natural” when, according to plaintiffs, the products contain unnatural and synthetic ingredients. (Stewart et al v. Unilever United States, Inc. and Conopco, Inc., Case No. 19-cv-5993, E. D. NY.)
For more of’s coverage of natural marketing claims, click here.
January 2020: This case was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled. for undisclosed reasons. August 2019: A federal judge dismissed some of the…
December 2018: A federal judge granted the company’s motion for summary judgment finding that claims regarding the company’s failure to disclose information about the facial scrub failed because plaintiffs did…
Hype or editorial content regarding this hyperpigmentation serum?
Is DJ Khaled the key endorser on Snapchat?’s Big Game scorecard on companies under fire for deceptive ads.
In the end, the company that makes its mayonnaise with eggs was left with the ingredient on its face.
Check to see if any of your fav foods made the list.