TINA.org found MLM famous for its leggings violated a court order by using atypical income claims.
February to July 2021: The remaining named plaintiffs all voluntarily dismissed their claims When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled.. Click on the links below to see each court filing.
May 2020: Another named plaintiff (Stuckart) voluntarily dismissed her claims When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled., the reasons for which have not been disclosed.
December 2019: Three additional named plaintiffs (Brown, Hall, and Lien) voluntarily dismissed their claims against the defendants.
September 2019: One of the named plaintiffs (Lemberg) resolved and voluntarily dismissed her claims against the defendants.
January 2019: An arbitrator concluded that the plaintiffs cannot arbitrate their claims as a class but that they can arbitrate their individual claims.
April 2018: A federal judge concluded that the arbitration provisions within the company’s retailer agreements are valid and enforceable, and stayed the case pending arbitration.
January 2018: Plaintiffs in the Lemberg case filed an amended complaint adding several named plaintiffs, as well as allegations that LuLaRoe’s marketing deceptively portrays women earning additional income when, according to the complaint, only those at the top of the pyramid make money.
Also in January, the Patton case was dismissed. The named plaintiff was added to the January 2018 complaint in the Lemberg case.
October and November 2017: Two class-action lawsuits were filed against LuLaRoe for allegedly misrepresenting its return and refund policies and practices. According to the complaints, the company deceptively promised to accept returns of unwanted inventory from consultants who cancel their agreements for a full refund and at no cost to the consultants when, according to plaintiffs, Lularoe gives consultants a reduced refund, ignores the request, or charges them substantial fees for returns. To read each complaint, click on the case names below:
For more information about TINA.org’s coverage of LuLaRoe, click here.
TINA.org found MLM famous for its leggings violated a court order by using atypical income claims.
Allegations: Pyramid scheme allegations
Allegations: Pyramid scheme allegations
Allegations: Failing to disclose that it operates an illegal pyramid scheme
New documentary explores the rise and fall of LuLaRoe.
Megan Carpentier, Oxygen
Comparing the amount companies agree to pay to settle deceptive marketing charges with their annual revenue.
TINA.org alerts Washington AG’s office to deceptive income claims and more.
Settlement avoids a trial that had been scheduled to begin on Feb 16.