Isagenix investigated Isagenix as part of its larger investigations into unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims and atypical income claims used by MLM companies.
To read more about’s 2023 MLM Income Claims Investigation, click here.
To read more about’s 2017 DSA Income Claims Investigation, click here.
To read more about’s 2016 DSA Health Claims Investigation, click here.

The Latest

MLMs Continue to Recruit with Deceptive Earnings Claims investigation finds 98% of MLMs using misleading income claims.

MLMs Continue to Break the Law Despite FTC Warning
Deceptive health and income claims, including some tied to COVID-19, persist in wake of warning from the feds.

Time Freedom Is The New Financial Freedom
Why the MLM industry should avoid the term.

#RealDirectSellers Don’t Obtain Financial or Time Freedom

MLM Income Claims

Is the DSA Ignoring Illegal Health Claims? investigation reveals MLM supplements recommended for everything from cancer to Ebola.

TINA’s List
Readers have told us to look into these MLMs.