2020 Isagenix Income Claims Database
In 2020, TINA.org investigated the 16 MLMs targeted by the FTC for making deceptive COVID-related claims and found that each of the MLMs has continued to make unsubstantiated health claims and/or deceptive income claims, either directly or through distributors.
Isagenix is one of the companies at issue. Below is a sampling of income claims used by this company.
TINA.org audited these findings on Dec. 22. Any deceptive claims that had been taken down as of that time are shown below in gray.
Company Website
Isagenix Build_A_Business Website
*Isagenix Laura_S IG 10_15_20 (i, ii, iii)
Isagenix Lauren_S IG 10_14_20 (i, ii, iii)
Isagenix Lori_B IG 10_16_20 (i, ii, iii, iv)
Isagenix Lori_B IG 10_19_20 (i, ii, iii)
Isagenix Lori_B IG 10_20_20 (i, ii, iii, iv)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 6_18_20 (i, ii, iii)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 7_2_20 (i, ii)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 7_7_20 (i, ii, iii, iv)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 7_26_20 (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 8_10_20 (i, ii)
Isagenix Sam_R IG 10_19_20 (i, ii, iii, iv)
Isagenix Sondra_G IG 10_20_20 (i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, xi)
Isagenix Discover_Health YouTube 7_8_20 (video)
Isagenix Tanya_K YouTube 9_15_20 (video)