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Top Kyäni Distributor Pitches Products for Coronavirus in Facebook Live Video

For $100 a month, "you cannot risk your health," James Bradford says.


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Top Kyäni Distributor Pitches Products for Coronavirus in Facebook Live Video

Top Kyäni distributor James Bradford, seen here holding a check for $7 million and here holding a check for $6 million (fun fact: most Kyäni distributors are likely losing money in the venture), is conflicted. Blame Joe Rogan. After watching a recent episode of the comedian’s podcast, “The Joe Rogan Experience,” in which he interviews infectious disease expert Michael Osterholm, Bradford says in the Facebook Live video above, he felt compelled to share his opinion on the coronavirus.

Right off the bat, Bradford wants to make one thing clear: Despite including in the video caption a link to his distributor page where you can order Kyäni products, he “did not make this video to try and sell you any products.” He’s also “not making any claims.” Capeesh?

We’ll let you be the judge. We pick it up at the 4:37 mark:

I am not saying that our products cure, prevent or treat any disease or virus or anything. I’m just saying that if the experts are saying that good nutrition is key, you, I think, you need, everybody needs to go juice, go eat fruits and veggies, I mean, we need to do everything we can to boost our immune system.

Not terrible advice. But wait, there’s more:

I will tell you this. I used to get sick every year, with bronchitis or flu or, what was it, sinus infection, when I started working for our company, the health company I’m in, five years ago. I have not been sick one time.

Now, the clincher (at 6:28):

… If you need some good nutrition, here’s what I do know. I know that our products are good. I know they’re the best I’ve ever felt. They’re the best liquid vitamin, liquid soluble … for 100 bucks a month, you cannot risk your health.

That’s the ballgame.

We’ll take this opportunity to remind you that there is currently no vaccine to prevent the coronavirus. The CDC says there are several things you can do to protect yourself, including washing your hands often, avoiding close contact with people who are sick and staying home if you become sick, and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces daily.

Not included on the CDC’s list of protective measures? Taking supplements that claim to boost your immune system.

Find more of our coverage on coronavirus scams here.

UPDATE 3/26/20: Bradford has removed the video from his Facebook page.

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