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Melanie Ann Layer, The Coach Program

Be wary of anyone who says there's big money to be made as a life coach.

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Melanie Ann Layer, The Coach Program

Life coach Melanie Ann Layer says the money you earn as a coach is great but the job is about more than just a paycheck:

Although the coaching industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and is responsible for the financial freedom of SO many, the money is truly only a small part of its majesty.

But we need to talk about the money because it seems the only people saying life coaching is an incredibly lucrative profession are those selling life coaching programs. This includes Layer, who charges $5,555 for her 60-day coaching program, succinctly named The Coach Program. As we’ve warned consumers in previous ad alerts on such programs, according to job search sites Indeed and ZipRecruiter, the average life coach makes less than $45,000 a year.

Yet this has not stopped Layer from claiming that her program teaches participants how to build a “multi-million dollar coaching brand … from nothing,” setting them on the path to financial freedom (a term that has found is often used in another industry rife with misleading income claims, the MLM industry, to deceptively promote the “business opportunity”). In addition, Layer asserts that her coaching program enables “sustainable growth” and produces results “beyond expectations.”

In October 2021, the FTC warned companies that pitch money-making opportunities that:

Claims of “potential” earnings imply that such earnings are representative of what the typical participant achieves. Before making such a claim regarding potential earnings (e.g., via a testimonial of a well-paid member), the advertiser must possess adequate substantiation that the experience described is representative of what participants will generally achieve. If the claim is not representative, the advertisement must avoid giving that impression.

Rather than provide substantiation or support for her earnings claims on her website, Layer attempts to take it all back with a fine-print disclaimer at the bottom of the site stating that her company, Alpha Femme, doesn’t actually make any income representations:

You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Alpha Femme brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future results or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Alpha Femme programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses, mastercourses, or coaching, and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

But this website disclaimer is completely at odds with the overall marketing message of living the good life as a life coach. And according to the FTC, fine print isn’t supposed to contradict other statements in ads or clear up false impressions the ad might leave and it cannot be used to cure false or misleading ad claims. In addition, disclosures of important information must be conspicuous (i.e., not buried in fine print at the bottom of a website).

Speaking of fine print, the company’s terms and conditions, linked just above the disclaimer denying the existence of any earnings claims, also raises some red flags. For starters, the document clocks in at more than 4,200 words – so find a comfortable chair.

Among other things, the terms state that, “You agree that from time to time we may remove the service for indefinite periods of time or cancel the service at any time, without notice to you.” They also warn that badmouthing the Alpha Femme brand on social media may result in termination of your participation in any program (a so-called non-disparagement clause that the FTC isn’t crazy about).

The bottom line

Consumers need to do their research before getting involved in any purported money-making opportunity. Ask questions like, “How much does a typical consumer earn with this program?” If the answer isn’t clear, proceed with caution. reached out to Layer for comment. Check back for updates.

Find more of our coverage on life coaching marketing pitches here.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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