Ad Alert

Married but Lonely

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We got this email advertisement offering us the chance to “Sleep with Married Women,” and “meet a cheating wife.” An ad is an ad, and we’re not here to judge anything but whether an ad is misleading or deceptive. Maybe you really are interested in meeting a cheating wife and you want to know whether you can trust this ad. (Though we will note here that adultery is still a crime in 23 states.)

Anyway, we found that this is ultimately a misleading ad, and there aren’t many (or maybe even any) lonely married ladies looking for love on We signed up for a free account and here’s what we found.

Click on the email links and you wind up here:
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We don’t understand why she’s going to leave the light on for us. Is she Motel 6?

Also: What official group rated this the #1 wife dating fantasy site?

Create an account and … surprise! They want your credit card number “to confirm your age,” even for a free account:

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On the credit card sign-up page, the site also shows you images of members . . . err, images of women you can message through the site:

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We put the image of “AprilNaughty” through a reverse Google image search and found that her photo also appears on a pair of Canadian escort service sites which we would link to except she’s not wearing any clothes in some of those pictures. Suspici-o-meter in the red … how can she be in Canada and Connecticut at the same time?

We were eventually able to access our MarriedButLonely account without giving our credit card information. Here is our profile. We look pretty buff. We also have no idea why MarriedButLonely decided we were 44 years old, nor why we’re interested in women 18-80 (why stop at 80?):

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When we logged in, we already had two message waiting from HOT MARRIED BABES. Here’s one of those babes:

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Schwing! But notice that “elite flirt” label? Here’s the catch: That means she’s not real. Per the MarriedButLonely Terms of Use:

You understand, acknowledge, and agree that the information, text, and pictures contained in the EliteFlirts service profiles do not pertain to any actual person, but are included for entertainment purposes only. Nothing contained in any EliteFlirts service profile is intended to describe or resemble any real person – living or dead. Any similarity between EliteFlirts user profile descriptions and any person is purely coincidental.

We clicked through dozens of profiles for women on the site, and all but one was an “elite flirt” — that is, not a real person. There did appear to be a handful of real men on the site seeking lonely housewives.

If you try to message any (probably fake) member, the site again asks for your (very real) credit card number. The site charges a recurring $34.95 a month to message its (probably fake) members.

Looking to meet married, lonely women? Don’t believe MarriedButLonely’s ads. The site is loaded with fake profiles and you may end up paying $34.95 a month to talk to no one real.

Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.

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