
499 Results


Huggies Natural Baby Wipes

Class Action

Huggies Natural Baby Wipes

February 2018: This case was consolidated with Sebastian v. Kimberly-Clark Corp. and administratively closed because the Sebastian case was named the lead case. Click here to learn more about the…

All Natural Dole Salad Kits

Class Action

All Natural Dole Salad Kits

January 2014: After being transferred to another California court, this action was voluntarily dismissed. The reasons for the dismissal have not been disclosed. (Case No. 13-cv-7271, C. D. CA.) March…

Santa Cruz Natural, Inc.

Class Action

Santa Cruz Natural, Inc.

May 2017: After the FDA issued guidance regarding the use of the term “evaporated cane juice” and a federal judge dismissed some of the claims, this case was voluntarily dismissed…

“All Natural” Arizona Iced Tea

Class Action

“All Natural” Arizona Iced Tea

March 2013: A federal judge granted the companies’ motion for summary judgment finding that plaintiffs have not presented any evidence showing that certain ingredients are artificial and a significant portion…

Truvía® Natural Sweeteners

Class Action

Truvía® Natural Sweeteners

April 2014: A federal judge dismissed the lawsuit without prejudice, meaning the plaintiffs can re-file at a later date. The reasons for the dismissal have not yet been disclosed. However,…

Trader Joe’s “All Natural” Products

Class Action

Trader Joe’s “All Natural” Products

November 2014: Both appeals were voluntarily dismissed. The reasons for the dismissals have not been disclosed. Click on the links below to see each order. Weaver et al Dismissal Narkin…

Dreyer’s and Edy’s “All Natural” Fruit Bars

Class Action

Dreyer’s and Edy’s “All Natural” Fruit Bars

March 2016: This action was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot be refiled., the reasons for which have not been disclosed. January 2014: A class-action…

Nectresse® Natural No Calorie Sweetener

Class Action

Nectresse® Natural No Calorie Sweetener

December 2016: This action was voluntarily dismissed, the reasons for which have not been disclosed. The named plaintiff’s claims were dismissed When a complaint is dismissed with prejudice, it cannot…

Kashi’s All Natural Claims

Class Action

Kashi’s All Natural Claims

September 2015: This action was voluntarily dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled. as a result of a settlement agreement…

Tom’s of Maine Natural Claims

Class Action

Tom’s of Maine Natural Claims

In October 2016, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Colgate-Palmolive and Tom’s of Maine for allegedly falsely marketing Tom’s of Maine products as “natural” when they actually have synthetic and…

Truvia® Natural Sweetener

Class Action

Truvia® Natural Sweetener

December 2014: A federal judge granted final approval of the settlement agreement. July 2014: In July 2014, a federal judge preliminarily approved a $6.1 million settlement to the class-action lawsuit…

Welch’s 100% Juices and Natural Spreads

Class Action

Welch’s 100% Juices and Natural Spreads

October 2015: This case was stayed pending the outcome of related cases in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court. March 2014: A federal judge allowed…

Williams-Sonoma’s Natural Claims

Class Action

Williams-Sonoma’s Natural Claims

In June 2018, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Williams-Sonoma for allegedly falsely marketing household and personal care products – including hand soap, hand lotion, dish soap, counter spray, all-purpose…

Nylabone Natural Pet Products

Class Action

Nylabone Natural Pet Products

In January 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Nylabone Corp. for misleadingly marketing Nylabone pet products – including dental sprays, dental chews, toothpastes, edible treats, and interactive treats (i.e.,…

Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream

Class Action

Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream

In April 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Unilever United States, Inc. for allegedly misleadingly marketing that the flavor in Breyers Natural Vanilla Ice Cream comes from vanilla when,…

Pret A Manger’s Natural Claims

Class Action

Pret A Manger’s Natural Claims

In June 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Pret A Manger for allegedly falsely advertising food products – including potato chips, sandwiches and cookies – as natural when, according…

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