Viral Marketing
The marketing angle behind viral videos.
The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) is an organization of online advertising businesses. Since its inception in 1996, the IAB has developed guidelines, standards, and best practices for the online advertising industry, as well as a Code of Conduct to which all IAB members are supposed to adhere.
The Code of Conduct covers a variety of issues, including transparency in data collection and security, marketing to kids, and Code compliance and enforcement. Of course, not all online advertisers are required to follow these rules; just the IAB members. And if an IAB member doesn’t follow the rules, the only form of punishment doled out by the IAB is a six-month termination of their membership.
The marketing angle behind viral videos.
The Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC) (formerly known as the National Advertising Review Council) is a self-regulatory agency that was formed in 1971 by the American Advertising Federation, the American Association…
There’s lots of strings attached to offers of free products and services.