The Menopause Queen’s Gambit
Danielle Friedman, The New York Times
In January 2014, a class action was filed against Ralphs Grocery Co. for allegedly misleadingly labeling its decaffeinated coffee. Specifically, the complaint alleges that the company uses the phrase “without caffeine” on its decaf coffee labels when the decaf coffee actually contains small amounts of caffeine. (Kopallian v. Ralphs Grocery Co. et al., Case No. BC533846, Superior Court for the State of California, Los Angeles County).
Danielle Friedman, The New York Times
Is this finally the candidate we all can trust?
This company’s juice may not be worth the squeeze.
This fashion company’s claims fall apart at the seams.
Lawsuits accuse retailers of misleading consumers on the purity of their avocado oil.