Case Name (Date)

Abel et al. v. Porsche Cars North America, Inc. et al.
24-cv-593, M.D. Fla.
(July 2023)


Porsche Connect


Failing to disclose that Porsche Connect would become inoperable after 3G networks were phased out


Dismissed When a complaint is dismissed without prejudice, an amended version of the complaint can be refiled.

Class-Action Tracker

Porsche Connect

Class Action

Porsche Connect

Allegations: Failing to disclose that Porsche Connect was temporary because the system was equipped with 3G services and would be inoperable when 3G services were phased out


Class Action


Allegations: Falsely representing vehicles comply with emissions requirements when they don’t

Porsche Panamera and 911 Vehicles

Class Action

Porsche Panamera and 911 Vehicles

In October 2020, a class-action lawsuit was filed against Porsche Cars North America, Inc. for allegedly misleadingly marketing that 2010-2016 Porsche Panamera and Porsche 911 vehicles are efficient, clean, and…

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