Cascadian Farm Frozen Fruits and Vegetables
Allegations: Falsely marketing fruits and vegetables as grown in Washington state when they are imported from other countries
In January 2019, a class-action lawsuit was filed against General Mills and Small Planet Foods for allegedly misleadingly marketing Cascadian Farm fruit and vegetable blends. Specifically, the complaint claims that the companies misleadingly represent that the ingredients in the products are grown on an organic farm in Washington state when, according to the plaintiffs, the ingredients actually come from large industrial farms in other places in the U.S. and the world. Plaintiffs also claim that the companies do not adequately disclose that the farm business was sold to “multinational agrobusinesses.” (Reed et al v. General Mills, Inc. and Small Planet Foods, Inc., Case No. 19-cv-5, W. D. WA.)
Allegations: Falsely marketing fruits and vegetables as grown in Washington state when they are imported from other countries
Got milk? Apparently not.
Lawsuits allege brownie brands and others lack the essential dairy ingredients to call their products fudge.
Lawsuits against Kraft and Annie’s mac and cheese allege brands fail to disclose harmful chemical ingredients.
A closer look at the who, what, where, when, and why.
Pet owners, take note: These products may not be deserving of your doggie dollars.