Ryan ToysReview
TINA.org investigated one of the most viewed YouTube channels of all time – Ryan ToysReview (now known as Ryan’s World). This investigation revealed that the YouTube channel, which, at the time of TINA.org’s investigation had more than 20 million subscribers and 30 billion views, deceptively promoted a multitude of products to millions of preschool-aged children in violation of FTC law by misleadingly blurring the distinction between advertising and organic content.

After TINA.org Complaint:
Ryan ToysReview rebrands to Ryan’s World and the channel appears to focus somewhat less on sponsored content, though such content still remains.
December 6
Members of Congress write another letter to the Chair of the FTC once again urging a Commission investigation and enforcement action.
August 28
TINA.org files a complaint with the FTC urging the agency to review the deceptive marketing on Ryan ToysReview’s YouTube channel and take appropriate enforcement action.
August 22
Members of Congress write a letter to the Chair of the FTC urging the Commission to investigate Ryan ToysReview
October 9
The Children’s Advertising Review Unit (CARU) issues a report finding that sponsored content for Walmart and Mattel, among others, was not adequately disclosed. CARU concluded that children could reasonably believe that all the Ryan ToysReview videos, including sponsored ones, were independent and unbiased unless there was a clear disclosure indicating otherwise. As a result, CARU recommended that Ryan ToysReview include an audible disclosure at the beginning of each sponsored video, identifying the video as advertising.

Ryan ToysReview Targets Preschoolers in Violation of FTC Law
Three things to know about TINA.org’s complaint against the popular — and profitable — YouTube channel.
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