
TINA.org investigated Elomir, Inc., a Texas-based multilevel marketing company that sells nutritional supplements, including a product called Axis Klärity, a strip that dissolves on the tongue, and found that the company used unsubstantiated disease-treatment claims to market its products and atypical income claims to recruit distributors.


  • Filed complaint with DSSRC
  • DSSRC issued report finding the company engaged in deceptive marketing


November 8

The DSSRC issues a case decision finding that Elomir uses unsubstantiated health claims to market products and atypical income claims to market its business opportunity.

November 29

More than a year after TINA.org filed its complaint, the DSSRC issues a case decision finding that Elomir and its distributors were making inappropriate health and income claims. While the decision notes that the company had removed many of the claims identified by TINA.org, a dozen claims at issue remain published.

November 10

TINA.org files a complaint with the DSSRC urging it to investigate unsubstantiated health and income claims made by Elomir and its distributors, and to take action.
