Direct Selling Association (DSA)

The Latest

#RealDirectSellers Don’t Obtain Financial or Time Freedom
Trade organization campaign features deceptive income claims.

The DSA Waffles Over AdvoCare
Former MLM holds onto its DSA membership in the aftermath of $150 million pyramid scheme settlement.

Direct Selling: An Industry in Decline
TINA.org’s analysis of the direct selling industry.

Multilevel Marketing: The Day Job that Doesn’t Pay
More than 97 percent of DSA member companies use or have used misleading income claims.

DSA Award Winners Are Ethics Code Violators
Why is this industry group honoring MLMs making illegal marketing claims?

Why This Anti-Pyramid Scheme Bill is Outrageously Wrong for Consumers
POST HIGHLIGHTS • H.R. 5230 runs directly counter to 40 years of case law on pyramid schemes. • It obliterates the difference between distributor purchases for the business venture versus…

The Direct Selling Association on Pyramid Schemes: Truth and Truthiness
Guest blog by Peter Vander Nat and William Keep.