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Company’s ads attempt to scare consumers into paying for title monitoring services that they may be able to get for free.
State Farm customer says he pays 40 percent more than the advertised rate for his renters insurance.
A consumer wrote in to tell us about an ad he saw on a Chicago Transit Authority bus for State Farm renters insurance. Just like the billboard below (also in Chicago), the ad offered renters insurance for about $15 a month.
The consumer has State Farm renters insurance and rents in Chicago, but he’s not paying $15 a month. In fact, it can be argued that he’s not even paying about $15 a month. He says he pays $21 a month, which represents a 40 percent increase over the advertised rate. In the course of a year, that comes to a $72 markup.
Renters insurance premiums, like any other form of insurance, are dependent on a number of factors: location, amount of coverage and discounts, just to name a few.
If it’s so variable, why include the dollar amount at all?
A State Farm spokesman said in an email to TINA.org:
The advertising reads renters premiums are about $15 a month, which accurately represents the average cost of the policy. Individual premiums may vary depending on a variety of factors.
Sounds like something that should be disclosed in the ad.
Find more of our coverage on insurance here.
Our Ad Alerts are not just about false and deceptive marketing issues, but may also be about ads that, although not necessarily deceptive, should be viewed with caution. Ad Alerts can also be about single issues and may not include a comprehensive list of all marketing issues relating to the brand discussed.
Company’s ads attempt to scare consumers into paying for title monitoring services that they may be able to get for free.
In short, the company may not deliver on the promise.
Avoidance tactic fails mattress company as marketing claims are referred to federal regulators.